Power Raking

Lawn and TurfLawn and Turf

What exactly is “thatch”? It is the layer of debris made up mostly of dead grass clippings that accumulate above the soil and below the blades of grass. Excessive thatch most often happens when it is fertilized too often, the grass clippings are too long or there are not enough of the micro-organisms that can digest the thatch present. When the thatch layer is too deep, the lawn will begin to thin. Lawns with heavy thatch tend to have a shallower root system, making the grass harder to maintain. Thatch can keep water, air and essential nutrients from getting to the roots. Power raking knives slice into the turf removing thatch and stimulates new growth. When Power Raking and Aeration are combined, this provides one of the best methods of improving your lawn. Lawn and Turf recommends having your lawn Power Raked in early spring to help promote new seedling growth through-out the summer season. If you have a underground sprinkler system, all heads need to be marked before the service can be performed. Lawn and Turf Corp. has power raked more lawns in the Twin Cities than any other lawn care company.


Why is too much Thatch bad?

  • Prevents water and nutrients from reaching the plant roots.
  • Absorbs pesticide/fungicide, preventing them from doing their job.
  • Reduces space available for new grass. When crowded by thatch, new grass tends to grow rapidly as they seek light and space.
  • Grass root systems can grow into the thatch rather than into the soil.
  • Harbors diseases such as leaf spot, summer patch, and dollar spot.


What are the Indications that your lawn needs De-thatching?

  • Lawn feels spongy under your foot when you walk on your lawn
  • Greater than average incidence of disease and Insect problems.
  • Grass dries out and dies during hot, dry weather.

Lawn and TurfLawn and Turf

  • Featured Testimonial

    I've had the service for a year now and my lawn has never looked better. I am really impressed by how my lawn has improved this summer.
    - Jessica